Monday, August 17, 2009

Quiz: Brands

Quiz Time folks,

1. He has served as the Head of Online Organizing for Obama's presidential campaign. He holds a bachelors degree in history and literature from Harvard University. Who is he and which brand did he help co-found? Ans. Chris Hughes. Facebook.

2. The two founders of this brand insist that they selected its name because of its definition: "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth." What a name to give a brand! Which brand are we talking about?
Ans. Yahoo!

3. This brand was funded initially by Obvious, a creative environment in San Francisco. It was launched publicly in August 2006. The tag line on its site is “Share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world.” Which brand are we talking about?
Ans. Twitter

4. This brand was founded by Kevin Rose and launched in November 2004. It has since grown into one of the most popular sources of information on the Web. Identify the brand.

5. BVP is a VC firm based in the US, one of its Partners was once asked by his friend to meet two entrepreneurs who had hired his, the friend’s, garage. The Partner’s response? “How can I get out of this house without going anywhere near your garage?” Which two entrepreneurs did he refuse to meet in this way?
Ans. Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google fame.


  1. 1. Chris Hughes Cofounder of Facebook

    2. Founders of Yahoo. David Filo , Jerry yang


    4. Digg (social news website)

    5. Sergey Brin and Larry Page of google.

  2. 1. Chris Hughes.

    2. "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle"... That's YahoO... By David Filo and Jerry Yang.

    3. Twitter.

    4. Digg.

    5. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of GooglE...

  3. Interesting. Let's wait till tomorrow for more responses to come in.

  4. Awesome quiz... Enjoyed it... :)
