Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vocab: French Words

Bonjour Friends,

My attempt to send a daily mail seems to have lasted a grand total of 4 days!!! Seems like the time-table that some of you say you prepare, adhered to for a few days and then…. Kaput.

Well the only way I can make up for this break is to send more than one mail today, so that is what I am gonna do. Hopefully…

This one is on French terms that one could and does use in English. I have also put in the pronunciation for these words, lemme know if that helps or you guys think it is not required.

au fait (o FAY)
Being well-informed or skillful in something. An expert.
Literally "to the fact".

hors d'oeuvre (ohr DERV)
An appetizer or an extra little dish outside of and smaller than the main course. It is usually served before or as the first course of a meal.
hors (outside of) + oeuvre (job or work).

carte blanche (kart blansh)
Unrestricted authority.
carte blanche (blank card or blank document).

qui vive (kee VEEV)
Alert, lookout. (It is usually used in the form "on the qui vive").
Literally "(Long) live who?"
It was used by soldiers at the entrance to forts etc. to challenge someone approaching the gate. A proper response might be "Vive le roi!" (Long Live the King) or "La France!"

mot juste (moh zhyst)
The exact, appropriate word.
mot (word) + juste (right).

On that note,
Au revoir


  1. Thanx sir that you gave pronunciation of the words as it makes easy to learn them. Its fun learning the words of differnt languages of different countries.

  2. Glad you liked it Pooja. If more people ask for the same, I will start including this in all my posts.
